
For the base of the dress I used Flexo bricks, they're a flexible tendon that you can "sew" in-between each brick. 

The back wings were controlled by a LEGO Mindstorm brick and 3 motors. There were over 80,000+ people at Dragon Con and I was bumped and a few parts came disconnected, but that's to be excepted with so many people.  One person even took a LEGO and ran off, I'm not even mad it was a funny Pick-A-Brick situation, haha!  I'll post some videos and pictures from Dragon Con,  my build process, a "post mortem" about what went well, and what I learned. I'll share some of my MOC build techniques too!

“For the base of the dress I used Flexo bricks, they're a flexible tendon that you can "sew" in-between each brick.”

Flexo Bricks tendons